Anyone to counter Weinland for IdeaCity ’11???

Up here in Canada, we have a network called Vision TV which is mainly a relgious and spiritually themed network. This is music to James Pate’s ears: they did show 7th Heaven on the network (but I believe no more but I believe they have some old episodes of The Waltons). They have the Word of Faith, preachers like Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Creflo A. Dollar (or properly put Creflo Needs A Dollar) and the like.  They have a Catholic program (including a mass), Jack Van Impe and his prophecies, Day of Discovery (if you want good sound teaching for alternative for the names I just mentioned), other shows that talk about other faiths than Christianity like Hinduism and Islam (if you’re Islamophobic, watch Reflections On Islam, you might learn something), various documentaries, other old shows (Murder She Wrote) and yes—even religious programs from the Church of God splinters: Rod Meredith’s Tomorrow’s World, Beyond Today (the United Church of God) and The Armor of God (Church of God, International).  Successful broadcaster, innovator and the founder of City TV, Moses Znaimer has bought the network of Vision TV as of late and has some his originally themed programs on it. One of them is Idea City (fill in the year ’07,’08,’09, ’10 and so on). This program is like TED, where a specialist from his or her chosen field talks about their ideas to an audience.  I have known for some time that XCG leader Ron Weinland spoke at one of these meetings of last year. Coming from a hard days work,  surfing the internet and watching TV (yes multitasking), I finally came to see him on the program. I remember Ron Weinland at Feast of Tabernacles in Niagara Falls during the late ’80’s  to early ’90’s. At that time I wasn’t impressed with his speaking. I was even trying to give the guy a chance by listening to a feast tape for the second time on “healing of the mind” but couldn’t get into it for some reason. For some reason in the late 2000s and early 2010s, Ron Weinland for some reason has become smooth and cool. I’m seriously thinking that Kevin Spacey SHOULD be in a movie role playing him. Don’t worry, while I can get up in the charm of Weinland—I made an oath and commandment to myself that I won’t get fooled again.  I have stated on here, that I believe Ron Weinland is a cultist and denies the essentials of historic Christian faith and those who are not grounded or willingly ignorant not to be grounded the essentials of historic Christian faith will be TOTALLY immersed in the charm of Weinland. There is NO way I will NOT renounce the triune nature of God a second time—it is simply irrevocable and strictly non-negotiable! An examination on scripture without the help of XCG literature confirms this! I don’t know Ron Weinland still believes in the “spirit in man” doctrine—which I think was a cheap, tacky, slutty imitation (on HWA’s part) of what the historic Christian faith always believed that one’s spirit after the body dies—IS CONSCIOUS and is in the presences of God either as eternal friend (heaven) or foe (hell) and we have a responsibility right now to decide what’s it going to be for eternity. One can presume from Weinland and other splinters, I’m a “pagan protestant” (which is an oxymoron anyway)—but that’s neither here nor there.  Yes, his lecture was all about the end of the world—and of course at the end of his lecture he had  to say to the audience “Time is up!” Nothing about a Messiah to come unite humanity together. Nothing about the redemption of the earth and the universe. Nothing about a need for personal salvation—I’m not talking a physical place of safety as such—but a spiritual safety in Jesus Christ where he says don’t worry about those who can kill the body—but rather fear the one who could (and can) destroy both BODY and SOUL in hell. Nothing about an opportunity for humanity to live not for a few more measly short decades but forever! His lecture was NOT the Gospel–which means Good News. It was the “Badspel” plain and simple. Smooth voice but same old, same old for the rest of us of have heard this badspel in the historic Worldwide Church of God and it’s offshoots for decades. We say enough is enough. I say, for equal time, someone needs  to counter Ron Weinland for Idea City ’11. I wouldn’t mind Aggie because she ran a blog to counter Weinland but Aggie is very, very, very (yes I mentioned very 3 times for reason for emphasis) guarded about her anonymity. I can safely assume it will be a very long time (let’s say when the 2020’s roll around or maybe beyond that) when she changes her mind. Myself? I wouldn’t mind it (okay I would love the opportunity)  but it is not the time. I am hoping that sometime this decade that I will grow in prominence and influence. Right now I am a working class person trying to survive and better myself. I am hoping and praying for a time I will be succeeding, not just surviving. It is also no secret to some that I want to have a political career someday. So either being on Toronto City Council in 2014 serving under the good man Rob Ford (whom I known for 14 years) who becomes Mayor of this city today—or if Ontario PC Leader Tim Hudak is our next Premier of this province in 2011  and I am darn good and serve in his cabinet, let’s say 2015 or so—perfect opportunity! But until then…I can only dream about giving such lecture.  Actually, I think this person might be a best candidate to counter Ron Weinland for equal time. Glynn Washington, an African American broadcaster on NPR (the PBS of radio) who details some his experiences in the historic Worldwide Church of God called Snap Judgment. All is I can say he’s one wickedly brilliant storyteller. Check him out here. You’ll love it! I believe the IdeaCity ’09 episode repeats itself at 5 a.m. in the morning. I set my DVD Recorder to tape it. I hope I can give you some excerpts here and we can discuss in greater detail why Ron Weinland and his badspel is bad news.


PS—I checked from the DVD recorder and the SOBs decided to put on another episode (IdeaCity 05) at 5:00 a.m. For those in Canada, make sure that one catches the episode when it repeats itself  again.

Notes and a video

  • Read Aggie’s account and J’s account with the upheaval going on in the United Church of God. It’s President Clyde Kilough has resigned but the Chairman of the Board will take on the UCG’s presidential duties. I have been firm in my opinions on the UCG’s compromise on the essentials of historic faith and I am still firm. There are many people whom I know in the Living Church of God and the United Church of God that are very sincere in their belief and I do highly value them. Yes, there are those in the splinters who are like the late Heath Ledger’s version of The Joker and have dealt with such toxic personalities but I am not talking about them. There are some in the UCG and other like groups who are honest, decent, God-fearing folk who I think that the establishment has used them to no end. I can only pray that they recognize that “enough is enough”. Refusing to tithe to the headquarters is only a bandaid solution. A mass exodus to freedom (wherever it may take them in their faith). Frankly, I wish ministries like Doug Ward, John Valade and Pam Dewey will finally take root after a mass exodus in the UCG or the LCG for that matter. These people mentioned were never ordained in any XCG ministry, are pretty sane minded people who are not prone to fanatical wild-eyed private interpretations of scripture and were never in it for the money (all more the reason).
  • For those wondering about the condition of former WCG evangelist Ron Dart, this is from Pam Dewey about approximately an hour ago from the Facebook site called Praying for Ron Dart.

Current info at the caringbridge site: They began to give him Vitamin K to speed up the clotting time, and it appears that the bleeding has either stopped or is very slow. He has a blood clot where he has been bleeding, that will need to be absorbed by his body. The doctors believe he will be okay, but it will take a… while for his body to absorb the clot.

For those who don’t know what happened to Mr. Dart, the Facebook site explains,

Ron Dart suffered a fall on Thursday night, 8 April. He hit his head and lost a lot of blood, but was checked by doctors and returned home. A CT scan at that time showed no bleeding on the brain and he was coherent and lucid.

However, during the day on Friday, he had growing problems with his speech and he returned to the doctor. He was then transported by ambulance to ETMC where is currently in the Neuro ICU.

I will admit that back on my previous blog in 2006, I  was “gloating” that Christian radio stations were taking his Born To Win program off the air getting on the “evangelical” bandwagon. I remain firm on my then concerns about Ron Dart’s teachings but I could have taken a more “humble” approach than I did in 2006. I must give him credit for a splendid essay on the Christian Woman in which he rightly criticizes the sex-negative early Church Fathers and their misogynistic worldview on women.  Also FYI Again rightfully told me and others of the dangers of equating all XCGs on the same footing. Yes, as scripture states in 2 Peter 3:9,”The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” As Gavin Rumney once stated that we have arrogantly assumed knowledge of things. God can and will correct errors whether moral or doctrinal of EVERYBODY (that includes me). I join in the chorus of the prayers for many to restore Ron Dart to health and let God lead him in the way that he should go.

  • A fellow Canadian by the name of Rand Zacharias who is a former WCG member now his autobiography about his time in the Church  for all to see here.
  • Here’s tip to PasedenaGuy 10 who found this inspiring video from Adrew Rieu in which he performs the “Hallelujah” chorus! Enjoy!


The Boy Is Back In Town and The Girl is Doin’ Fine!

thumbs_upBelieve it or not J, of Shadows of WCG IS BACK and LOUDER than ever! Hallelujiah!!!  J’s blog is actually titled, Shadows of WCG: The Next Generation and he is steaming full speed ahead pulling no punches about the news about Joe Jr.’s  proposed eventual name change for the WCG into Grace Communion International:

As long as Joseph Tkach, Junior, remains as the President, he continues a legacy directly from Herbert Armstrong himself. There are no broken chains.

The name change means nothing. This is what has to happen.

First, Joseph Tkach Junior must step down. Joe, it is time to go.

Second, after Joe has resigned from office, the Board of Directors must enact prudent and respectable bylaws with sound doctrine on term limits and bylaws on financial accountability.

Third, the Board of Directors must appoint a president removed from the past Worldwide Church of God – cutting all ties from the denominational historical garbage that permeates their fellowship.

Joe, It’s Time to Go.

It’s time to leave your denomination and cut all ties to Herbert Armstrong and his form of Government. It’s time to do the right thing. It’s time to go.

Take your pension, take your salary, and leave. It’s time to go.

Name changes mean nothing. Put your words into action…

Joe, your term as President should be over. You know it, and I know it.

Joe, It’s Time to Go.

My personal words to J, “It’s good to see you back in town to kick ass!!!” I remember Gavin Rumney and myself contacting eachother on the internet back in 2005 and I was verifying from a Worldwide News article back in 1997 that Joe Jr. only wanted to be in office for 10 years.  Joe Jr. was pastor general in 2005, September of that year marked 10 years. It was time for him to go then! In my books he has been and always has been a polarizing figure for the WCG.

Here’s J’s new blogsite .









I want to meet AggieAtheist so I can give her the Obama fist bump and say, “Right on Sista (in President Obama’s voice, of course!) !” This prolific bloggist who had a blog about the historic WCG’s “Purple Hymnal” and a blog called  “Weinland Watch” is now in charged of I Survived Armstrongism, in which Russell Miller decided to step down and form an offshoot blog called Holy Mighty Atheist. Read one of his posts called “Republican Church of God” and I say the brotha speaks the truth!!! It will get James Pate jumping up and down  but I digress. Aggie who knows how to get around and is also in her full speed attack against the forces of darkness of Armstrongism. Eat your heart out General Patton.  Aggie is slapping the faces of ten yellowbellies and good for her! She is in NO WAY giving Joe Jr. and his proposed name change a break in any way! She has a post linked to the Ironwolf message board where someone shares their experiences with some jerky (to say the least) authoritarian ministers in the historic WCG. It’s not pretty but these things did happen only to prove the rotten fruit  did exist and for someone to deny that is in a dangerous dreamworld. Aggie’s linking up with other sites against the darkness of Armstrongism. She has linked sites of online books like Daughter of Bablyon (actually I should put it on my blogroll),Flying Free (actually you have to pay for this download but that’s okay) and Dreaming in Arabic writting by Jennifer Armstrong (a pleasant  lady whom I know  personally growing up in the Y.O.U.) which discusses a little bit of her WCG upbringing, her trip to Jordan as an Ambassador College student and a little bit of Middle East history. So far, I have enjoyed Aggie’s takeover and I hope she can keep it exciting and more importantly, keep people well informed. Great job Aggie, as KC and Sunshine Band would say, “Keep It Coming Love,keep it coming, love! Keep it coming, love!
Don’t stop it now, don’t stop it, no, don’t stop it now, don’t stop!”

New links

164193133_31124065bd.jpgI have decided to put some more web/blog links  list (on the lower right hand corner)on my blogsite that have been long overdue.

The Painful Truth, now under the domain John B (for some time now). A tough, no-nonsense type of guy who gets the job done. I also put the website where anyone can have their own personal download of The Ambassador Report by the late John Trechak put together in digital form by The Archivist. Those who are still trapped in the Armstrongist nonsense today can still find liberation and peace of mind (and sanity) that HWA was not God’s Apostle and God have nothing to do with the WCG (as an organization) in the first place—dispite that these archives of reports are at least 9 to 33 years after the fact.

I have mentioned Aggie’s Purplehymnal Weblog but have never got around putting on my list of links. Now it is. A note of caution: at this time she (Aggie) is taking a break from new posts until the Passover season (April 2oth). I believe she working on a project (called Weinland Watch) on exit counselling members and/or associates of Ron Weinland’s ultra-conservative fundamentalist XCG splinter at Note about Mr.Weinland, I heard him speak at the Feast of Tabernacles during my years in the WCG. For some reason, there was one sermon on “The Healing of The Mind” I couldn’t  find inspiration (I even tried to listen to the tape for a second time and was still not inspired). Ironic that there are those who disagree. It is my hope and prayer that Aggie CAN convince these people otherwise.

There are a fair numbers of ex-WCGers (or ex-XCGers for that matter) that are now atheist. Don’t let anyone tell you that they are  a monolithic group. Some are very kind, gentle and compassionate (I can think of “ex-believer”of Gary Scott’s defunct XCG blog).  My friend Ron, who is atheist can teach me that religious people can be the biggest  a–holes not just atheists and boy, you better believe he can be right! Others who believe that religion and atheism can  and should co-exist in a secular pluralistic society (mythology is not bad it has moral lessons for everyone) but believe that ultra-literalism and fundamentalism in all religions must be battled and defeated.  Of course there are others that are usually rude, vitrolic, humourless, manipulative (and trust me I have had my share of some, so I know where I speak). These significant “others” are “millitant” atheists (and of course, they dare you to label them “fundy” or “fundamentalist” atheist because the word fundamentalist has something to do with religion and ATHEISM is NOT a RELIGION!!!). They like Richard Dawkins (which I whom admired for telling off the creepy Ted Haggard), Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris who are called “The New Atheists”. Do you feel that these type of people can make you feel small? Trust me—I have had the feeling. Never fear, there is a blog site called Atheism Sucks!  According to the blog, they state, “We are students, activists, and independent thinkers who reject atheism. The purpose of this blog is to promote reason and intellectual responsibility; in doing so, we aim to counteract the manipulative, dishonest, and fallacious tactics of atheist apologists.” I also have a link where you download their book  The Irrational Atheist by Vox Day for free, of course.

…and finally but in no means the least, a blog from a very unique but a very brilliant and insightful personality. Blunt, politically incorrect (thank God!) and most of paramount importance makes you think! This man’s name is James Pate, a  Ph.D. student at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, OH. In which he  studies the History of Biblical Interpretation, which includes Jewish and Christian interpretations of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament.  He has grown up in a WCG background. Like myself, he has no patience (but probably a little more merciful than I am) of the “clap-happy-happy”, anti -intellectual variety of Evangelical Christianity. What is special about this guy that he openly states about his neurological disorder which Asperger’s syndrome which is considered a form of autism on the autistic disorder spectrum. As one who was diagnosed with a neurological disorder myself at a very young age (I am simply not ready nor I do not wish to go in details about it this time)I sympathize with James greatly and share a special bond with him. Let’s put it this way, your life can be like a war and there are people who do not have the compassion nor patience to understand you.  It seems the outside world has the 24-7 non-stop olympic sport of simply misunderstanding you and this is the world that James and others like him face every single day of his life. I love James raw honesty that he feels a variety of emotions in his Christian walk: anger, sadness, passion, strong desire—yeah the emotions that “evangelical Christians” shouldn’t have. He takes on controversial issues like atheism,the faults of evangelicals,evolution vs. creationism,sex, politics–you name it. He gives you a piece of his mind on all of them and if you don’t like it, there is only two options: take it or leave it. You don’t know what your missing by not reading his blog and like J’s  Shadows of WCG blog, I hope James’ blog is here for years and decades to come.