An appeal for all XCGers—VOTE!

In November 1988, at age 18 I had the privilege right here in Canada that all Canadians have the right and priviledge to do. I voted. I was then proud of what I did and still am! Despite the fact at that time I was a so-called “Second Generation Christian” in “God’s True Church—the Worldwide Church of God.” I even went so far to say that I was not baptized (I was only baptized waay later in 1997, only deciding to leave a year later in ’98)—so there—was my defiant (proto-Sarah Palin) reply. Deep down I was never, ever comfortable with being a  neutralist (we weren’t really neutralist but that’s another topic for another time)—or they would say, “Stay out of the politics of the world!”  Looking back (being older and wiser I hope), without being easily manipulated as I once was, there was a lot of politics in the place which was “God’s Church”. I am not going in depth about it here and anyone wants to deny that simple fact is free to have their own opinion but cannot deny some hard facts.  “The Church” allowed you to pray for leaders of anykind—but it was not okay for one to choose them through voting. One argued  that  with our prayers[XCG’s of course] we are in a sense “voting.” My late high school teacher in social sciences was right and it is my firm belief that he is still right two decades later though he is no longer with us in flesh. In an essay that I did in high school I was “wishing” that social Darwinism would be in wastebin of history (a truly ambitious but noble idea for an 18 year old kid)—but the late great Mr.Ed Devai had to say something about “wishing”. He said, “You see “wishing” or even  praying is a passive approach to sometimes avoiding steps of action to reach certain goals.” This is going to get the people who do pray a little mad but I still believe he is right. Those who just “pray,pray” and do nothing else is a problem. I call it “magical thinking” or  a “God wil fix it” mentality. To be blunt and direct I truthfully call it  “laziness”.  It is pure laziness for any man to do you thinking and dictating how you should dress, behave, eat, sleep, buy, sell, make love, who your friends should be, who your friends shouldn’t be, what relatives to contact, what relatives to avoid, what car you drive, what books you read,etc., etc.—you get the point! Shouldn’t that principle apply whether to vote or not vote? Forget the proof-texting scripture that the Armstrong movement uses aaaallll the time to death is “My kingdom of is not of this world!” Oh yes, I too not going discuss that verse on this post (maybe another). I am very sure that the Apostles and many people outside of Palestine in The Roman Empire would have welcomed voting for an Emperor and would have gladly voted Caligua out of office and put him on welfare! Any sane person, any honest rational reasonable intelligent Bible scholar will rightfully conclude that there is nowhere in the Bible that forbids anybody to vote. Nowhere. Let us remember that Old Testament saints like Joseph was Prime Minister of Egypt. Shadrach, Meschech and Abednego were Jewish nobility in the Babylonian Empire and their friend Daniel—had some “executive” experience (a Governor) in a Babylonian province (something that McCain, Obama and Biden can’t speak of! 🙂 )  The saints of the Old Testament, like the saints of the New Testament they were citizenship is of heaven but they were actively involved in the policy making decisions of their day. There was absolutely no tension of either/or about it. I know the excuse with most XCGers is that was in the Old Testament but we are now in the New. I say—how ironic. They can allow certain dietary laws, holy days, other levitical laws that don’t require sacrifices (which I have no problem if used rightly)—but no one can be engaged in public policy in the New Testament??? The historic WCG truly “picked and choosed” their theology and they sure did that in strange and different ways.

The real issue here, is that person  who leads that particular XCG sets himself as a middleman between you and God wants to keep his power and he wants you to feel like he is unstoppable—perhaps invincible. Here’s a big secret. He’s not. He is fallible, prone to error and his likes (and many dislikes) have nothing to do with Christian living. Imagine the power and responsibility over a pastor being a Premier of a Canadian province—or a Governor of American state.  Imagine YOURSELF—oh yes as potential Premier or Governor for a moment! If some creepy middle aged man molesting a cute and innocent 16 year old in your congregation. A pastor who brushes it is off saying it is not anything imporatant. Elders, deacons and deaconesses are in passive-aggressive mode doing nothing.  YOU GOT THE POWER! You can get to say to this jerk, “You`re name is NOT Pierre Trudeau and you  never had the money he did nor looks as he did—so take your slimey hands off this girl!“Let my fellow Canadians understand (and have a good laugh at) that statement.  If you think talk is cheap and want some action—you haul in the state troopers  or if you`re Premier from my home province Ontario, you haul in the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police). Want to stand up to your authoritarian pastor and this molesting creep?—make sure you order a thorough investigation and your friends whether Crown or District Attorneys will make sure there will be trial and this creep and his minion enablers  will face some severe consequences—but that won`t happen. You take pride in avoiding “politics of the world“and letting “God take care of it“. Again simple laziness and passive aggressive stupidity in action. With your non-involment in public policy—you again you have become a man or maidservant of the the pastor and the splinter leader, but that can change and there is a solution.

Yes, I strongly encourage all members of splinters of XCGers to vote. I would like to suggest run for office but I think it`s best to take one step at a time. Not all of you can handle disfellowshipment well. At the same time I feel it is time for some of you to boldly assert your liberty as a human being created in the eyes of God. Ignore typical XCG punditry from the leaders who shout and scream, `McCain-Pallin—more years to the work, Obama-Biden—the end of the age is coming CLEAN UP YOUR ACT!!!!“  Make up your own mind! If you think Barack Obama can handle the economy—vote for him! If you think John McCain is more equipped in matters of national security—vote for him.  Here in Canada, if you think Stephen Harper is equipped to handle the economy—vote for him. If you think Stephane Dion has the plan for the environment—vote for him. If you believe that Jack Layton presents a “different kind of strong”—vote for him. If you think Elizabeth May has the best environmental plan than the rest of the contenders—vote for her! Bottom line—think for yourself and forget about what the splinter leader speculates!!! I know in Canada the election is on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles and if you are not able to be in your local area that day there is always an advance poll and you can check online with Elections Canada about the details.

Gavin Rumney said it best in his latest post about the XCG’s (especially Rod Meredith’s approach) to do a “do nothing” gospel which actually a “no gospel” to say the least, “A good place to begin is by participating in the democratic process, a right, responsibility and privilege that has been hard won and should never be wasted. ”  Amen to that and let us all take Gavin’s serious advice to heart.