My Top 10 Reasons for NEVER Returning to WCG by Destertwench of JLF


Oringinally on Jesus Love Message Board in 2004

10. The community church down the street from where I live, works fine and offers me & my family more QUALITY and EXCELLENCE and convenience (as far as church life goes) than anyother group around–especially the local WCG.

9. I’m older, wise and a better manager of my time than I used to be…and so the only reason (in my mind) I can see the ‘need’ for WCG to exist at all, is to serves reminder for me to never get caught up in such extreme religious dysfunction and deception again.

8. Too much distrust, disagreement and disrespect with WCG’s theology, leadership and wishy-washy (& amateurish) aproach. Boundaries have been crossed where there is no turning back.

7. Quality spiritual, mental & emotional health & excellence in ALL aspects for my life, is a high priority that sorely disqualifies WCG and banishes them (as a denomination) for the rest of my life or until hell freezes over or pigs fly (which ever comes first). 🙂

6.The reality of WCG’s sordid, sleazy history is stranger than fiction…and it is unnecessary baggage from which I choose to be completely separated.

5.Too much distrust, disagreement and disrespect with WCG’s theology, leadership and wishy-washy (& amateurish) aproach. Boundaries have been crossed where there is no turning back.

4. I agree with Bob that it is just plaine UNHEALTHY to hang together with a bunch of “familiar” recovering cultists, as a group.

3. The thought of placing myself back into the warm, loving embrace of the same individuals/personalities who spiritually abused me, is just SICK! (Editor’s note: RIGHT ON SISTER!!!)

2. Too much distrust, disagreement and disrespect with WCG’s theology, leadership and wishy-washy (& amateurish) aproach. Boundaries have been crossed where there is no turning back.

1. I have yet to be convinced that WCG alleged “repentance” and partial transformation is authentic.