“The Sabbath”


No word provokes emotion for a former or current XCG member. It is a word that pinches the nerves of everybody. It is so explosive, one has to handle that word with care. There are very strong opinions for it and equally strong opinions against it.  I have yet so between former and current XCG members on message boards is to come up with some kind of mediating position. I believe cool and calm heads must prevail on a subject like this. With the hustle and bustle of the 21st century, isn’t it a wise idea for a pause for peace in the midst of it? I have had arrows pointed at me from seventh day sabbatarians and some new covenant theology proponents—so let me make this purely and crystal clear.  I am not advocating (or better put re-hashing)  a strict sabbatarian manifesto, neither I am proposing an agenda that any kind of sabbath keeping is bad and needs to be aggressively crusaded against. With this 24/7 society in the 21st century, we need to admit our health has suffered, we have been more consumerist and materialistic in our approach to living and that has unmistakably seeped in our view of spirituality. I think it is “right” for anyone to have a “faith-leave day” to refresh themselves in a holistic fashion—I mean physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being.  I am not talking about only going to church one day and simply being idle. I think a “faith-leave day”  can be used as a good spiritual discipline, just as one voluntarily who gives money to support their congregation or prayer—all in moderation. Again, my real reason for this post is direct you to an episode from TVOntario’s current affairs program The Agenda which discusses such a subject. Go to this page of The Agenda at

http://www.tvo.org/cfmx/tvoorg/theagenda/index.cfm?page_id=7&bpn=779087&ts=2007-12-18%2020:00:15.0 , click on Watch Video and enjoy the program!