Martin vs. Spong on the John Ankerberg Show: Here is the rest, clips 9,10,11,12,13,14 and 15!

For those who have been waiting for the rest of the clips, finally!!!  The “ex-gay” guest who was invited later in the show gave a powerful and interesting testimony to say the least and though for many years I have taken a hard-line against Bishop Spong for him wanting to radically redefine Christian orthodoxy, I was glad he took the “church fathers”  to task like St.Jerome (a pure misogynist and proud of it) and John Chryssom (an anti-Semite and proud of it, condemned believers celebrating The Feast of Tabernacles in Jewish synagogues—so much for Jewish-Christian relations in the 4th century!). So there are some things I can share common ground with Bishop Spong but when it comes to the ressurection of Jesus Christ, I cannot in no way compromise that doctrine. I believe it was a literal ressurection from the dead and Jesus Christ’s body had new and amazing powers. Bill Maher may think I have built a wall on one side of my brain. Bishop Spong would call me a “fundamentalist” and would tell me to start believing in his interpretation of  “ressurection of our hearts”.  To me it is the literal ressurection of  Christ, or we should all either join another religion or at least be non-theistic. Yea, I am with CS Lewis all the way: either Jesus Christ was Lord, lunatic or liar. Christianity stands or falls on the ressurection of Christ and if one wants to call that fanatical, so be it.  I hope those will enjoy the following clips. I am interested in your comments about them.


Martin vs. Spong on John Ankerberg, Part 3,4 and 5

I have been slower than my expectations in showing these video clips. Again, I present clips 3,4 and 5 out of 15 of Dr.Walter Martin’s last debate with Anglican Bishop John Shelby Spong. More to come.

More Ankerberg: Walter Martin’s last debate with Bishop Spong!

Sorry James, no GTA this time but this is one of a debate from the late Walter Martin of the Christian Research Institute and liberal theologian and Episcopal priest John Shelby Spong in which they discuss the essentials of historic Christian faith and sexual ethics. I believe these clips are in 15 parts.  I am just going to put only one here and worry about the rest later. Those who have seen the GTA-John Ankerberg debates here this summer, will also like this debate here too. As a note, this debate was taped on June 24th, 1989 and two days later on the 26th, Dr.Walter Martin’s earthly course was finished and was in eternal communion with his God.

…also to make this clear, Bishop Spong is not related to my knowledge to former WCG minister Grant Spong.