Nancy Grace takes on splinter leader—hurrah!!!


Thanks to Rogers Cable up here in Toronto, Canada—they took away CNN’s Headline News from my basic cable line up and have to pay extra to get it back. Thus, making me miss Nancy Grace and Glen Beck—two people who make sense in a sea of emotional, touchy-feely leftist nonsense which pervades North American media tody.  Nancy Grace offends some people but does not offend me one bit—because she hates scum. Those offended would prefer her to simply forgive and forget the most heinous criminals. In actual fact they prefer her to excuse and deny the evil of these people and to let it go.  I have believed (and still do) that there can be no forgiveness (without repentence) but my pastor would scream at me for that belief. Let him scream. I am not the only one who believes that. A lot Jewish and Christian thinkers are in alignment with me on this one. I never was comfortable with easy and automatic forgivism in the first place. It is a form of pure evil and wickedness to begin with and it seems Armstrongism seems to thrive on that perverse philosophy when they compel members and ex-members to stop “whinning” about the atrocious behaviour they place(d) on their congregants and scream at their opponents just to roll over and play dead or sit there and be pretty.  Purely wicked!

Tomorrow on Tuesday on CNN Headline News, Nancy takes on a splinter leader called Yisrael Hawkins of the House of Yahweh—which is one of the most extremist, bizzare, eccentric ultra-conservative splinters imaginable. Yes, it is safe to say that this leader is embroiled in some kind of controversy and it is my hope that Nancy exposes the controversy and this man’s motives as she bravely and boldly confronts confronts him as she did other controversial people before this man.

Go get ’em Nancy!!!

Those who plan to watch the program tomorrow, please tell me what you thought about it.

Here website is at

Special thanks to Pasedena Guy10 of WCG Alumni who brought this up!