
Though Christmas Day has passed but the season is technically here until January 7th (Ephiphay for the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Christmas), I wanted to put one of my favourite clip of a younger David Bowie and a man who was going to his eternal reward a month after this duet (October 1977), the Crooner—the late great Bing Crosby. I never knew David Bowie in the 1970’s (as a child I was more exposed to disco and funk more than anything else)  but as a teenager in the 1980’s—I was very familiar with him and liked his tunes very much! The genius of David Bowie is that he had something for everybody—every generation from baby boomer, Xer, Yer you name it! This guy can even link up with a generation before his time with Bing Crosby who had his career that began in the 1930’s and 40’s!  I was first shown this clip on Entertainmen Tonight in the early 80’s.  My mom wondered how was this duet possible (thinking that Bowie was solely an ’80’s star fresh on the scene). I explained to my mom at age 13, that there was a “history” of Bowie back in the ’70’s. I looked at some old Time magazines from the early 1970’s in my junior high school library. I could also remember my pastor in my years in the WCG  during the mid-’80’s at a Bible Study dealing with “music” (what a way to control a congregation by trying dictate musical tastes) being very condemnatory towards David Bowie (esp. the Ziggy Stardust routine).  I believe David Bowie has been one of our greatest popular musicians of our time spanning from the late 20th century to the early 21st century. I am proud to have my era (the ’80’s) and I have enjoyed this wonderful tune from two people from different eras of the 20th century coming together. Without further adeu, here is this Christmas special with David Bowie and Bing Crosby singing their version of The Little Drummer Boy.