
Hat tip to blogger James Pate on Facebook for referring the online version of Christianity Today which has his obituary. John Stott was an British Anglican scholar who  considered himself an Evangelical.  He also believed in conditional immortality and annhilationism. For those coming out of the historic Worldwide Church of God and embracing the essentials of  historic faith this was a good thing because they could not accept the concept of eternal conscious punishment from the Western view of Christianity (Roman Catholicism and Protestantism). North American evangelicals on the other hand made sure to give John Stott a real hard time on this matter. He also proposed a wider hope view of Christianity (which I firmly hold) as well. I have quoted this before and I will quote what he said again,“I have never able to conjure up (as some great Evangelical missionaries have) the appalling vision of the millions who are not only perishing but will inevitably perish. On the other hand…I am not and cannot be a universalist. Between these extremes I cherish and hope that the majority of the human race will be saved. And I have solid biblical basis for this belief.” Amen to that! It is my wish that since he has departed from his aging body at 90 yesterday afternoon and as his spirit is now in the presence of God that John Stott is also experiencing a pleasurable surprise and discovery that others that he did not expect or was wondering with great apphrension that they wouldn’t join him in eternal fellowship are finally there with him and the Godhead for eternity. Rest in peace sir until you are finally revised and glorified by The Author, Jesus Christ!

Wikipedia also has a post on John Stott which may be of interest of getting to know his life and his works.