Don’t you love good ol’ Christian double-talk??? NOT!

Jesus Christ when he was on earth told his followers: “Let your yes be yes and no be no—anything else is from the evil one.”  Sometimes his followers somehow skipped that wonderful piece of advice given nearly 2000 years ago. Hat tip to to their list of what constitutes “Christian Doubletalk”. I’m sure one can add on to the list below.


Christian Double-Talk

What Traditional Christians Say… What They Really Mean…
“There’s nothing you must do to be saved……” “Here’s what you must do to be saved:”
“You are absolutely, totally helpless to save yourself.” “You must make a wise decision in order to be saved.”
“God controls all things.” “God doesn’t control man’s free will.”
“We can’t boast about going to heaven.” “If we go to hell, it’s our own fault.”
“Love never faileth!” “Love can’t overcome human stubborness.”
“Men are in bondage to sin.” “Men are free to choose Christ.”
“Grace is unmerited favor…” “… given only to those who merit it with faith and obedience.”
(1 Tim. 4:10)…”
“… except for about ninety percent of them.”
“GOD’S LOVE IN UNCONDITIONAL…” “… as long as you meet certain conditions.”
“GOD’S WILL IS UNOPPOSABLE…” “… except by the sinner.”
“Salvation is not a thing of chance.” “There is no second chance to be saved.”
“WE HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU!” “Most of mankind will perish forever.”
“GOD LOVES YOU!” “… as long as you love Him.”
“Christ died for all sin…” “… except the sin of not believing that He died for all sin.”
“The Good Shepherd seeks the lost sheep until he finds it!” “The Good Shepherd seeks until it’s too late.”
“God’s justice was satisfied in the cross of Christ.” “God’s justice demands eternal torment or annihilation.”

2 thoughts on “Don’t you love good ol’ Christian double-talk??? NOT!

  1. Perfect!

    Interesting, how they all disobey point #5, isn’t it??

    Oh, and don’t forget, point #7 should read:

    “Men are in bondage to sin, but as long as you bow to our lovely pagan idol, then you can go right on sinning, and bragging about it!”

    I’ve been working on that verse from Matthew too. I, unlike some Christians falsely-so-called of both our acquaintances, am not about to waltz around saying “I’ve sinned! But now I’m forgiven! And I’m going to keep sinning!”

    Following a Christian way of life entails changing your life…not making trinitarian excuses for why you don’t want to.

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