More John Ankerberg and Garner Ted


Many people enjoyed my posting of one the older editions of Christian apologist and cult-watcher John Ankerberg’s show with the late Garner Ted Armstrong. I am glad that many liked it. I have a couple more clips from another show (older edition) with him talking with the late Walter Martin, the founder of the Christian Research Institute and the original Bible Answer Man—way before the rise of Hank Hanegraaf, which was shortly after Dr. Martin’s passing waaay to soon (at 60 years young!) in 1989. There is a brief mention of Armstrongism among the other cults. The other clip is strictly an excerpt from a sermon GTA gave and I am glad he says what he says. Those in Armstrongism  have an aversion to all things Protestant and have a warped mentality of “If Protestant’s teach this, it is wrong!” Well, Protestants teach murder is wrong—is that a wrong teaching? Protestant’s teach adultery is wrong—is it okay? Of course, Armstrongites are quick to disagree on that. Garner Ted, had his flaws and his well known hangups, but on this point he had the testicular fortitude to say that his church has a “protestant” influence when it comes to worship! It would have been nice Garner Ted if you took the GCI from a “para-protestant” organization to a fully orthodox Protestant denomination (and doing a better job transitioning of such than what Joe Jr. did to Worldwide, of course!). Hey, John Ankerberg would have been willing to go over trinitarian doctrine with you for a month! John had the time, he had the beer (maybe it was Miller Beer). I can only hope that the CGI and the ICG as individual members (forget the ministers) can maybe pick up the pieces…


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