Guess who’s taking on Darwin???


Nope ! Do not adjust the screen! That’s the man alright! “Bueller, Bueller, Bueller!” Yes, that man—Mr. Ben Stein, actor (famous for Farris Bueller’s Day Off), lawyer, Nixon advisor and a man who is the jack of all trades so to speak! This coming February 2008, he’s coming out with a documentary called Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed in which he feels that scientists have made the theory of evolution into dogma.  In WorldNetDaily it states, “Stein uncovers a long line of biologists, astronomers, chemists and philosophers who have had their reputations destroyed and their careers ruined by a scientific establishment that allows absolutely no dissent from Charles Darwin’s theory of random mutation and natural selection.”

“Big Science in this area of biology has lost its way,” says Stein. “Scientists are supposed to be allowed to follow the evidence wherever it may lead, no matter what the implications are. Freedom of inquiry has been greatly compromised, and this is not only anti-American, it’s anti-science. It’s anti-the whole concept of learning.”

As “Expelled’s” official website asks: “What freedom-loving student wouldn’t be outraged to discover that his high school science teacher is teaching a theory as indisputable fact, and that university professors unmercifully crush any fellow scientists who dare question the prevailing system of belief? This isn’t the latest Hollywood comedy; it’s a disturbing new documentary that will shock anyone who thinks all scientists are free to follow the evidence wherever it may lead.”

I look forward to seeing this documentary. It will make interesting discussion.  Read the rest of the article on WorldNetDaily at and the official site promoting the documentary.   If Richard Dawkins thinks he’s bad, he doesn’t know Ben Stein! Don’t let his humour fool you. You may agree not agree with Ben Stein but for one to simply brush him off does it at one’s own peril.

10 thoughts on “Guess who’s taking on Darwin???

  1. “You may not agree with Ben Stein”

    In this case, that is absolutely correct.

    I think brushing him off would be letting him off the hook too easily. Boiling in oil? Baked over hot coals? Slow drowning? Nah, then we wouldn’t have him to laugh at any more.

  2. Not expelled: Flunked.

    Stein’s an academic. He knows that real science and real academic work is backed by research. ID has managed two papers in 20 years.

    That’s not science. That’s sloth.

  3. If you think this is so insignificant, why come here? I think you need to read “What Were About!” Especially the last few sentences.

  4. “We acknowledge that many of our doctrines were erroneous. We acknowledge that the WCG would not exist without those erroneous doctrines. But we do not conclude that Jesus Christ rescued us as a group merely to have us disband. He has bought and paid for this church. It belongs to him, and we have told him that he can have it! If it is of any value to him, he can use it as his instrument, and we are happy to let him lead us. We rejoice in the fellowship we have with him, and we believe that he has already led us into usefulness.”

    Well, Ben Stein will not lead you into “usefullness”.

  5. “What freedom-loving student wouldn’t be outraged to discover that his high school science teacher is teaching a theory as indisputable fact”

    1) It really is an indisputable scientific fact.

    2) Most high school teachers don’t dare to actually try to teach it. There would be too much vociferous reaction from Christians. Better to put it off until the end of the semester and then “run out of time” before teaching it.

  6. “What freedom-loving student wouldn’t be outraged to discover that his high school science teacher is teaching a theory as indisputable fact”

    1) It really is an indisputable scientific fact.

    2) Most high school teachers don’t dare to actually try to teach it. There would be too much vociferous reaction from Christians. Better to put it off until the end of the semester and then “run out of time” before teaching it.

  7. I’m baffled by sharp divides over evolution and God as creator. The umbrella designation of “intelligent design” includes some pretty bizarre deductions.I’ve read (with hope) a magazine of theirs.I was amazed at its sloppy thinking, quirky methodology and sweeping conclusions based on what I call “preferred conjecture.”
    I believe God is Creator. I’m neither a seminary trained theologian nor a university educated paleantologist.My belief is based on Faith, raw experience and relationship not on the fossil record or skewered, fundamentalist pseudo science.I believe Genesis is not a gealogical explanation of Earth’s history; but, a poetic analogy whose point is to declare that God is Lord of all.
    “The just shall live by faith, and that not your own, it is the gift of God.”
    I’m not offended, threatened or even sad if others disagree with me. I wasn’t put on this Earth to force others to my opinions but to love and serve them.Their hearts and minds can only be reached by God’s Spirit.
    My God is a great big God.I’ve yelled, screamed and cursed at him in my rages.But even as I spew poison something inside me says,”No.This isn’t right. God is a good god.I don’t care how MAD I am at Him. I will repent and give Him the benefit of the doubt.’Let God be true though every man be a liar.’ My emotions are real and powerful but they’re not true.”
    So let the scientists dig, examine and propose and the theological types debate.I’m sure God is amused.

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